
our planet is warming at AN alarming rate.


Each Degree Matters, here’s why...

Climate change and the climate crisis isn't just about numbers; it's about our future—that need to be measured in Fahrenheit, understood by all. The planet's fever is rising and we need to understand the stakes.

The global conversation about climate change often gets lost in translation. Celsius, the standard scale for climate reporting, isn’t understood by everyone, especially in the United States. It's time to shift the narrative to Fahrenheit — a measurement that hits closer to home. When you realize that a 2-degree Celsius increase means a 3.6-degree Fahrenheit jump, the stakes become unmistakably clear. Our planet is warming at an alarming rate, faster than many of us realized.

Act Now.

Awareness sparks action. This is why we're providing a downloadable Public Service Announcement (PSA) for you to share far and wide. It's not just about spreading the word; it's about igniting change, one share at a time. Together, we can amplify the message that each degree in Fahrenheit matters, drawing more allies to our cause. Download the FREE PSA. Share it. Talk about it. Let's turn awareness into action, one share at a time.

Go one step further.

But awareness is only the beginning. Partnered with 350.org, we invite you to dive deeper into the climate crisis and discover tangible ways to contribute to the solution. Learn, engage, and become part of a global movement striving for a sustainable future.

Visit 350.org to dive deeper and join the global community fighting for a cooler planet.

Nightly Earth planet in outer space with sun flare

video & AUDIO.

grassroot and grasstop assets to spread the word. advocate for our people and planet.

Unveiling Our Urgent PSAs: A Critical Message for Our Times

Our planet's temperature is increasing at a rate that demands immediate attention and action. To convey this urgent reality, EachDegreeMatters.org has developed compelling Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that starkly present the facts about global warming.

An Iconic Voice for an Iconic Cause

It is with great excitement and honor that we announce Ali McGraw, an actress renowned not just for her memorable roles but also for her deep commitment to environmental advocacy, has lent her voice to our cause. By choosing to participate in our PSAs, Ali brings a level of gravitas and urgency to our message. Her involvement is not just a testament to her dedication to environmental issues but also serves as a powerful call to action, encouraging others to listen, understand, and engage with the critical issue of climate change.

Accessibility and Outreach

To ensure that our message reaches and resonates with as broad an audience as possible, we are offering our PSAs in both English and Spanish. This dual-language approach breaks down barriers, ensuring that the message of urgency and the call to action against climate change are accessible to diverse communities, thereby maximizing our collective impact.

Empowerment Through Action

By sharing these PSAs, you are playing a crucial role in a global movement. Every view, share, and conversation sparked by these videos contributes to a larger wave of awareness and action. With Ali McGraw’s compelling narration, these PSAs are not just calls to awareness but beckons towards action — inviting each of us to be part of the solution in our own unique ways.

Your Invitation to Act

This is your opportunity to stand with us and make a tangible difference. Download the English and Spanish PSAs today and use your voice, your platforms, to spread this vital message. Each share extends the reach of our collective voice, drawing more people into an informed, engaged, and active stance against climate change.

Together, we can illuminate the path to a more sustainable future, one share, one conversation, one action at a time.

Global Network Concept. World Map Point. Global Network Planet Earth. Illustration
Red Diamond Neon Tech Pattern


breaking news. trends. data. resources to learn and share.

Be informed, learn and share.

Lush and dry planet with tree. Concept of change climate.

Fahrenheit's Warning: Understanding the Latest Climate Data

TIn a world where climate change is often discussed with a sense of detachment, the latest climate data, presented in Fahrenheit, brings the reality of global warming...

Man with Poster Protesting against Climate Change Outdoors, Clos

Global Actions, Local Impact: How Countries Around the World are Tackling Climate Change

In our collective journey to combat climate change, inspiration often springs from the innovative strategies nations across the globe are implementing.

Large crowd of people

Partnering for the Planet: The Power of 350.org in Climate Advocacy

In the global fight against climate change, collaboration and unity stand as pillars of hope and action.

Lush and dry planet with tree. Concept of change climate.

Fahrenheit's Warning: Understanding the Latest Climate Data

In a world where climate change is often discussed with a sense of detachment, the latest climate data, presented in Fahrenheit, brings the reality of global warming closer to home for many, especially in the United States. A mere few degrees’ increase might not sound alarming at first, but when translated into Fahrenheit and contextualized, its impact is undeniable and profound.

Recent reports from reputable scientific organizations, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), highlight a troubling trend. For instance, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) notes that the average global temperature has increased by at least 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1 degree Celsius) since 1880. This rise might seem modest, but its effects are anything but.

"We are now at a stage where the effects of global warming are impossible to ignore," states Dr. James Hansen, former director of NASA GISS. "Each fraction of a degree in Fahrenheit we add disrupts our climate system more than we anticipate." The implications of this warming are vast, affecting everything from weather patterns, with more frequent and severe storms, to rising sea levels threatening coastal communities and biodiversity at risk as habitats shift or disappear.

The urgency to act has never been clearer. A report by the IPCC underscores that limiting global warming to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) above pre-industrial levels could significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. Achieving this, however, requires immediate and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.

Understanding this data in Fahrenheit can help demystify the scientific jargon and make the stakes more relatable. For those looking to dive deeper, resources like the IPCC's "Global Warming of 1.5°C" report and NASA's Climate Change and Global Warming portal offer extensive information and analysis. These sources not only detail the current state of our planet's climate but also outline potential pathways toward mitigation and adaptation.

As we face the realities of climate change, it's crucial to recognize that every degree in Fahrenheit matters. The choices we make today will determine the kind of world future generations will inherit. It's a call to action that cannot be ignored, urging us to come together to mitigate the effects of climate change through informed decisions and sustainable practices.

In conclusion, the latest climate data in Fahrenheit serves as a stark warning — but also as a call to action. By understanding the real-world implications of these temperature increases, we can mobilize toward a more sustainable future. Let this be the moment we decide to make a difference, for our planet and for future generations.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): For comprehensive assessments and reports on climate change, including the "Global Warming of 1.5°C" report, visit the IPCC website at [https://www.ipcc.ch/](https://www.ipcc.ch/).

NASA's Climate Change and Global Warming Portal: This portal provides access to the latest research, satellite data, and educational resources about climate change and global warming. Explore NASA's findings at [https://climate.nasa.gov/](https://climate.nasa.gov/).

Man with Poster Protesting against Climate Change Outdoors, Clos

Global Actions, Local Impact: How Countries Around the World are Tackling Climate Change

In our collective journey to combat climate change, inspiration often springs from the innovative strategies nations across the globe are implementing. From Germany's groundbreaking energy transition to Bhutan's pioneering stance on carbon negativity, there's much to learn and even more to apply within our local contexts. This post delves into these international efforts, offering a beacon of hope and a call to action for communities worldwide.

Germany's Energiewende: A Blueprint for Renewable Energy

Germany's Energiewende, or "energy transition," stands as a testament to the country's commitment to renewable energy. This ambitious policy initiative aims to phase out nuclear power and drastically reduce reliance on fossil fuels, all while cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050. The strategy includes boosting wind and solar power, which now account for a significant portion of Germany's energy production.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy provides comprehensive details on the Energiewende's progress and plans at [https://www.bmwi.de/](https://www.bmwi.de/). By adopting similar renewable energy initiatives, local communities can contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions.

Bhutan: A Carbon-Negative Country

Bhutan, a small kingdom in the Himalayas, has achieved what many thought impossible: carbon negativity. This means the country absorbs more CO2 than it emits, thanks to its vast forests and ambitious environmental policies. Bhutan's commitment to sustainability is enshrined in its constitution, which mandates that at least 60% of its land remain under forest cover.

Bhutan's approach demonstrates the power of conservation and sustainable development in combatting climate change. Communities can learn from Bhutan's example by promoting tree planting and conservation efforts, contributing to a healthier planet. More information about Bhutan's environmental policies can be found through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at [https://www.undp.org/](https://www.undp.org/).

Costa Rica's Pioneering in Biodiversity and Renewable Energy

Costa Rica is another beacon of environmental stewardship, known for its rich biodiversity and commitment to renewable energy. Over 98% of its electricity comes from renewable sources, including hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, and solar power. The country aims to be completely carbon neutral by 2021, a goal supported by national reforestation efforts and sustainable transportation initiatives.

Costa Rica's National Energy Plan outlines its strategies and can serve as a guide for localities aiming to enhance their renewable energy usage and protect biodiversity. Engaging in similar sustainability practices can help communities reduce their carbon footprint and preserve natural ecosystems.

Inspiration for Action

The examples of Germany, Bhutan, and Costa Rica highlight the varied yet effective ways countries can address climate change. These nations prove that with innovative thinking and collective action, making a significant environmental impact is within reach.

By drawing inspiration from these global actions, communities everywhere can implement localized strategies that contribute to a broader climate solution. Whether it's by adopting renewable energy, enhancing conservation efforts, or promoting sustainable practices, every action counts.

Let's Be the Change

As we witness the remarkable strides being made on the international stage, let's remember that change begins with us. By sharing knowledge, adopting best practices, and fostering a culture of sustainability within our communities, we can make a local impact with global resonance.

For more in-depth exploration of how nations are leading the charge against climate change, and to find resources on how you can contribute, visit the websites of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the United Nations Development Programme, and Costa Rica's National Energy Plan. Together, we can turn inspiration into action and make our world a better place for future generations.

Large crowd of people

Partnering for the Planet: The Power of 350.org in Climate Advocacy

In the global fight against climate change, collaboration and unity stand as pillars of hope and action. EachDegreeMatters.org is proud to partner with 350.org, a leading force in the environmental movement, dedicated to building a sustainable future for all. This blog post shines a light on the remarkable work of 350.org and how you, our valued readers, can engage with and support their mission to combat the climate crisis.

350.org: A Beacon of Climate Advocacy

Founded on the principle that if CO2 levels are to stay below 350 parts per million (ppm) — a level scientists say is safe for humanity — immediate and bold climate action is required. 350.org has spearheaded initiatives across the globe, aiming to reduce carbon emissions to this safe level. Their work encompasses organizing grassroots movements, lobbying for policy changes, and fostering a global community committed to environmental sustainability.

Global Movements, Local Impact

350.org's strength lies in its ability to mobilize people worldwide around the urgency of climate change. Through campaigns such as "Fossil Free" which aims to divest from fossil fuels, to "Rise for Climate" marches that advocate for renewable energy solutions, 350.org demonstrates the power of collective action. These movements not only raise awareness but also push for significant policy changes at both local and global levels.

How You Can Get Involved

Joining forces with 350.org opens a world of opportunities for individuals passionate about making a difference. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

Participate in Local Campaigns: 350.org organizes numerous campaigns and events worldwide. By joining these, you become part of a larger community fighting for environmental justice and sustainability.

Volunteer: 350.org relies on the dedication of volunteers to carry out its mission. Whether it's by organizing local events, participating in advocacy efforts, or helping spread the word, your time and skills can make a significant impact.

Educate and Advocate: Educate yourself about climate change issues through 350.org's resources and then use that knowledge to advocate for change in your community. Engaging in conversations, writing to your local representatives, and promoting sustainable practices contribute to a larger change.

Donate: Supporting 350.org financially allows them to continue their vital work. Donations help fund global campaigns, support grassroots organizing, and provide resources for those on the front lines of climate action.

A Call to Action

The partnership between EachDegreeMatters.org and 350.org symbolizes a shared vision for a healthier, more sustainable planet. By aligning with 350.org, we not only amplify our impact but also offer our community practical ways to engage in the climate movement.

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the climate crisis, remember that every action counts. By supporting and getting involved with 350.org, you are taking a stand for the planet, for future generations, and for the belief that together, we can create positive change.

For more information on 350.org's mission, current campaigns, and how you can make a difference, visit [350.org](https://350.org/). Join us in this vital mission to address the climate crisis head-on, because together, we are a force for change.


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